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Below you will find the most frequently asked questions that we receive in the

"ENT Pro APP".

Please connect with us if you have any questions that may not one listed below and our team will be happy to assist you directly with all of your needs in every way! 

Thank you for joining the ALL IN ONE "ENT Pro APP" Family!

Happy Bookings!

Photo Credit: @RichManley

How Do I Post Multiple projects at once...?

You must post 1 Project at a time because all of the specifics and details will range drastically per project and per talent needed per project! 

How Do I Request A Talent to Submit to My Project..?

You can direct message any talent that fulfills the positions that you need in order to direct book them or ask them to audition and submit to audition. 

How Do I Follow Through with Communication for a Booking or Project or Talent..?

Through direct messaging, is the best way to go so we can monitor all communication and we can keep up with your submission updates and booking status details as well as payment completion per project per booking when projects are complete and/or in the works of production.

What's the Process to connect my Agent or Manager to My Account on the ENNT Pro APP To Submit Me For Jobs...?

When creating your account you can add your representation in that section of your profile details and/or

if you already have an existing account and end up getting representation you can approve them via the app per their request and or per their acceptance of your request as new representation. 

How Do I Get Access to Communicate with The Top Executives, Casting Director's, Record Labels and Productions within The App?

Become a Platinum App user and you have full access to all users of the ENT Pro APP in every way!

How Do I Get Unlimited Uploads to My Account Every Month? 

When you upgrade to the Platinum subscription account status you can upload was much content and submit to as many jobs as you want per month! 

How Do I get Featured On the Homepage..?

The more you post on your profile and the more you submit to projects you can easily be featured as a Top ENT Pro APP Talent!

Can I Create a Talent Account and a Production account under the same person/name..?

Yes you can use the same name for both accounts but you need a company name and EIN for the production profile as well in order to register a production company on the ENT Pro APP! 

Are The Talent Accounts and Production Accounts 2 separate accounts with separate Login's..?

Yes if you are a Talent and You happen to have a production company or vice versa...

You will need two different accounts and login's as the production side is a business and needs a EIN tin order to post projects for talent to submit to and you must be registered as talent win order too submit to the projects available on the app!

How Can I get my All In One Account Verified...?

Once you have made you profile a Platinum account and have submitted to projects consistently as well as posted consistently on our platform you will be up for review as a featured verified ANT Pro APP user with free promotion and ad placements for people to see worldwide!

How Do I Submit to Multiple Projects at Once...?

You can submit to one project at a time! 

How Do I Change My Password..?

Go to Reset Password Button and You will Receive a  Email with instruction to create your new password.

How Do I Upload my Content from YouTube To My profile...?

Copy and Paste your link from YouTube into the demo reel or submission section that asks for a link and or website!

Is This App Strictly for Business, Talent, Bookings, Brands, Productions and Entertainment Creative work..?

Yes across the board!

Why Are there Only Views Showed and Not Likes on Posts...?

We never want the users to be focused on how many likes, but to always see how many have viewed the content and base their desire to hire the client not based on how many people like their content but the powerful art of their content being posted. We are basing this app on authentic talent that most have never seen before. It's not a popularity Contest. We want everyone to live their dreams without being over looked anymore.

How Do I Request Talent To Submit To My project through their Profile or Post...?

You can request through their profile and Direct message talent on their profile as well!

How Do I Check My Messages from Talent and/or Production Companies and/or Agents/managers...?

You can check your Direct Message tab that will have all of your messages available for you to view and respond to as needed.

Is Nudity Allowed In My Posts...?

No Nudity is allowed at all on our platform.

Is Explicit and Offensive Lyrics Allowed In My Music Uploads..?

(Clean versions Only - Real Music Doesn't Need To be Explicit)

What Type of Productions Can I Post on The All In One App...?

All production types listed within the app and gif their is. type of production that you need to add but you don't see it listed please message us so we can update our app accordingly as needed and use the closest project type to your vision. Ion the description you can be full specific so people know exactly what amazing project they are submitting to!













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